Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day!  We had a great one.... Paul and I spent the day with our favorite little Valentine, Reese! 

We have hit some new milestones. In the past week, we have learned to sit up all by ourself and have started sleeping through the night or at least until 5 am.  (I'll take that!)  Her little personality is coming through more and more each day. Reese loves to hang with Dazie as you can see below and play with her new "Go Baby Go" toy that she got from Bops and Gigi.  Paul and I can not believe how fast our sweet baby growing up!

Enjoy the pictures below and Valentines love to everyone!

Reese 6 Months

All "Jumped" out in her Jumper
All grown up and sitting up
Playing with Dazie and my "Go Baby Go" Toy
Happy Valentines Day!


Mrs. Williams said...

so cute! that pic of her sleeping in the bouncer is so funny. Ian had the same one.

Lindsay Folk said...

she is the cutest little girl ever!