Monday, February 8, 2010

18 Months and 30 Weeks

It is hard to believe that Reese is 18 Months and I am 30 weeks along with the TWINS! I feel like we have really hit a mile stone. We went to Reese's 18 Month check up on Friday and she has exceeded all milestones and development mental marks that she should have. Reese is very tall and skinny for her age...

Weight : 24.6 lbs (55 percentile)
Height: 33 inches (90 percentile)

During her check up, Reese showed Dr Benzick all of her body parts, which he said the average 18 month old only knows 2 and she knows them all with her hands being her favorite! Then she pointed to all the animals correctly that he asked her to... this little girl LOVES animals. She started school twice a week this month, so she would be ready for when her baby sisters arrive and she loved it. (I have to admit I missed my baby girl, but loved it at the same time :) Reese is growing up so fast and making Paul and I laugh daily with her dancing skills among other things... Anytime Michael Jackson comes on she busts out her moves. Some of her other favorites are: BOOKS (it seems like we can not get enough), her animal figurines, green beans and SHOES! She loves shoes and must have a pair on all the time. We can not wait to see her as a big sister, we know she'll be a great one!

30 Weeks, WOW! It's hard to believe that we are 30 weeks already. This pregnancy has flown by... I have felt great until recently and I am not feeling "bad" just tired. Both babies are doing wonderful and developing beautifully. They are each over 3 pounds and growing by the week. The doctor told me last week that they each gain a pound every 2 weeks. If that holds true, then they should each be 6 pounds at birth. WOW, 6.6 was what Reese weighed. We are hoping to keep them in for at least 6 more weeks so please keep us in your prayers that happens. Theor nursery is finished and we just need to name these sweet girls!

Enjoy some recent pictures of Reese:

1 comment:

Mrs. Williams said...

let's see some pics of that nursery! can't wait for pics of your new girls. can't believe you are having twins! CONGRATS again.