Friday, November 13, 2009

15 Months

WOW! We can not believe that our sweet baby Reese is 15 months old! I took Reese for her check up last week and she is healthy in every way. Here are her stats: Weight - 23.5 lbs (58 percentile), Height - 31.5 inches (88 percentile), Head Circ: 18 inches (46 percentile). Dr B said that she is tall and slim... which is perfect! He also told me that she got and A+ in all of her developmental areas. That consist of: walking / running, climbing on ANYTHING she can find (she LOVES stairs), helping us dress and undress herself, pointing to a few body part when asked and clapping.
Reese has become a wonderful sleeper, which is good since she was not so fond of sleeping the first 7 months of her life! :) She will now sleep 11 - 12 hours a night with TWO 2 - 2.5 hour naps a day. It is so cute, when she is tired or ready for a nap she will go into her bedroom and get her lovie and paci and then come back to us and point to her crib. From there, we read books which she LOVES! She has cut her first 4 molars and we are waiting for the K-9's to come through. Reese loves to eat and loves her water and milk. She does not like juice which is fine with me.
She love to talk, but will not repeat anything when asked. Her words so far are: dada or daddddy, mama, no no, Gigi (my mom), Dazie (she loves her puppy dog), yum and a few others. Reese loves to be outside and playing. If she hears the door open she comes running and wants to play in her car. She also LOVES her bath, when she hears the water she runs to me and holds her hands up to get it. Too cute.
We never thought parenting could be so much fun, but we are loving every moment with our precious girl! Here are a few recent pictures from her first professional photo session.

1 comment:

JESSICA said...

Hi Melissa...
Your daughter is SO precious!
Congrats on the twins!!
Where did you get the blue dress in the picture? I am in LOVE with it. :)