Monday, May 11, 2009

Reese is 9 Months!!!

Our sweet baby GIRL turned 9 months last Tuesday! I can not believe that 9 months has gone by and I can not imagine not having this sweet soul in my life! Reese is such a blessing to her daddy and I. She puts smiles on our faces daily and continues to make us laugh all the time. Paul and I took her in for her check up last Tuesday and she did wonderful!

Here are a few stats:
Weight: 19 lbs. 4oz. (66% percentile)
Height: 28.5 in. (85% percentile)

Reese is beginning to venture into "real" foods and is not sure what to think... She loves cheese, rice, baby puffs and yogurt, but also has still drinks 25 -30 oz of formula a day. Her sleeping has improved greatly, she sleep 10 - 11 hours at night and then take 2 naps a day. She has begun to HATE her diaper changes and will try and climb off the table so that has become a 2 man job. :) Her two bottom teeth have come in and we are waiting for the top ones too come anytime. Everything goes into her mouth and she is constantly chewing on something. Reese does not like to be in the room alone. It is so cute b/c if I leave her soon after I will hear her saying "mama mama mama" and crawling for me then when she gets to me she crawls up my leg. A few weeks ago, Paul and I got out her "car" and she LOVES to go on walks in it. Her favorite place to be in outside! I could talk forever about her b/s she is just precious!

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